Sunday, August 17, 2008

Welcome to Candyland!!!!!

Allison's 3rd birthday party was so much fun!!! She has been waiting for this since May. We have a lot of friends and family with birthdays between May and now, and Allison just has not been able to understand why it has not been her birthday yet. Well, baby, it's here. I hope you had a great birthday party!

Candyland was the theme:

We made rainbows with fruit loops:

(Although some of the kids thought it was better to just eat the fruit loops:

Then we made gingerbread women (although Allison's turned out to look like a plate of spaghetti with colored meatballs):

Allison was so excited about opening her presents. This is the first time that Allison has been able to open presents by herself. She's turning into such a big girl - and she even said "thank you".

Then, she blew out her candles and everybody ate cupcakes:

The kids played a lot, and they played so well together:

The final big event of the day was to jump on Uncle David:

Then everyone did their hugs goodbye:

What a fun day!!!!


Tab said...

Love the Candyland theme!!! You're so darn creative.

The Ramsey Five said...

How fun is that!! Happy Birthday Miss Allison! Love, Mr Bill and Sheree